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Page:Mormonism its leaders and designs.djvu/217

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August. Parley P. Pratt and Sidney Rigdon converted to Mormonism.

December. Smith is visited by Rigdon.

1831. January. The Church commanded to move to Kirtland, Ohio, where Rigdon had a body of persons converted to Mormonism as a nucleus.

May. The Elders sent out by twos to preach.

June 7. The first endowment given; Elders much disappointed in their expectations. Many ordained and sent out to preach. New branches growing up rapidly.

June 17. Smith and party start for Missouri to search for a location for "Zion."

August 3. Zion determined to be in Independence, Jackson county, Mo. Smith dedicates the "Temple block;" names the place "The New Jerusalem," and returns to Kirtland.

August 27. "The Kirtland Safety Society Bank," store, mill, and other mercantile operations commenced by Smith.

1832. February 16. Smith and Sidney Rigdon pretend to see in a vision the whole destiny of man, and his different degrees of glory and punishment.

March 22. Smith mobbed, tarred, and feathered for dishonorable dealing.

April 2. Smith visits Jackson county, Mo., where matters are in disorder; the Saints by their boasts and threats enraging the old citizens, and the "Church" quarreling among themselves about the communism that Smith had attempted to establish.