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But the wish'd nuptial morn was o'erclouded with wo,
And, dear Anna! I was burried from you.
Our shallop was boarded, and I borne away,
To behold my dear Anna no more;
But despair wastes my spirits, my form feels decay.
He sigh'd, and expir'd at the oar!

Parting Moments.

While I hang on your bosom, distracted to lose you,
High swells my sad heart, and fast my tears flow,
Yet think not of coldness they fall to accuse you,
Did I ever upbraid you? oh! no, my love, no!
I own it would please me, at home would you tarry,
Nor e'er feel a wish from your Fanny to go,
But if it gives pleasure to you, my dear Harry,
Shall I blame your departure? oh! no, my love, no!

Now do not, dear Hal, while abroad you are straying,
That heart, which is mine, on a rival bestow.
Nay, banish that frown, such displeasure betraying,
Do you think I suspect you? oh! no, my love, no!

I believe you too kind for one moment to grieve me,
Or plant in a heart which adores you such wo;
Yet should you dishonour my truth, and deceive me,
Should I e'er cease to love you? oh! no, my love, no!