Page:Most excellent and delightful history of Fortunatus.pdf/11

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and promised him his choice of the three daughters of the Lord Neniva; upon which, having seen and discoursed with them, he made choice of the youngest, whose name was Cassandra. The Countess and Earl liked well of the match, only they objected against him as he had no lands, which Fortunatus understanding, he purchased a lordship to settle on her a jointure. The wedding was kept fourteen days with great splendour; the king, queen, nobles, and all of any note on the island being entertained. And the first year of this happy marriage his beautiful Cassandra brought him a son, whom he named Ampedo; and the next year another, whom he named Andolocia.



How Fortunatus was bent to travel again, which he did, in Egypt, Persia, and India, &c.

FORTUNATUS having lived twelve years with his loving wife, now began to think of travelling into other countries where he had not been, which his dear Cassandra much opposed. But being fully resolved to travel, appealed her, promising that he would return in a year; and so leaving her, besides his estate,