Page:Most excellent and delightful history of Fortunatus.pdf/6

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strive one against another to do their best; so the duke of Burgundy’s servant won one, and Fortunatus the other, to the great displeasure of the other servants. Upon this they desired the duke’s servant to challenge Fortunatus to fight him before all the ladies, who should have them both; which challenge was soon accepted, and they encountered each other very briskly, till at last Fortunatus hoisted the duke’s servant off his horse at his spear’s length. Whereupon he won the victory and obtained the jewels, which enreased the envy of the other servants, but greatly rejoiced the Earl.

Among the Earl's servants there was a crafty old fellow called Peter, who consulted with the rest how to remove this favourite, which they effected by this stratagem: Peter, who pretended great friendship to Fortunatus, went to him one day as he was reading, and told him that their lord, having conceived a great jealousy of his chamberlains, (of whom Fortunatus was one) had ordered the surgeon to come next morning to have them gelt. Which when Fortunatus heard he was much surprized, and therefore desired this old fellow (Peter) to tell him how he might convey himself with speed out of the city undiscovered. Peter observing this, told him he was loath to part with so good a companion; but if he would go, he could not get out of the city till the morning, as the gates were shut. Fortunatus desired Peter by all means to conceal his departure, and then in much