Page:Most strange and wonderful prophecy in the year 1684 (1).pdf/2

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A Wonderful Prophecy in the Year 1684, by Mr. Alexander Pedan late Minister of the Gospel in the West of Scotland; foretelling the Death of King Charles the Second; as also two Dukes Contending for the Crown, and York prevailing, but not Reigning four Years; King William’s Succeeding, and the manner of losing his Life; and after him our Gracious Queen Anne: All which are accomplished accordingly. And also great and wonderful things concerning the Conversion of the Jews and Turks to the Christian Religion, and Glorious days of the Gospel, in bringing about of which Scotland shall mainly be instrumental, which great things cannot but be very acceptable to all good Christians; and that those who live to see the Year 1715 shall see this accomplished.

The great Mole shall fall in his Coffin before the eighth
