Forehead—The forehead that riseth in a round, ⟨signifies⟩ a man liberally mindod, of a good ⟨understanding⟩, and generally inclined to virtuo. He whose forohead is low and little, is of a good understanding, magnanimous, confident, and a great pretender to lovo and honour.
Eye-brows. Thoso eye-brows that aro much arched, whether in a man or woman, show the person is proud, high-spirited, bold, and threatening, and a lover of beauty. Those, on the other side, whoso eyo-brows aro black, and the hair of them but thin, will do nothing without great considoration, and are bold and confident in tho porformanco of what they undertako.
Eyes.—He whose eyes aro hollow in his head, is one that is suspicious, malicious, perverso in his conversation, and of an extraordinary memory. Ho whose eyes are, as it wore, starting out of his head, is a simple foolish person. He who looks studiously and acutely, with his eyes and oyo-lids downwards, denotes thereby to bo of a malicious nature, very treacherous, and false. He who hath a wandering eyo, and which is rolling up and down, is for the most part a vain, simple, deceitful man, lustful, treachorous, or high-minded. He whose eyes aro twinkling, and which movo foroward and backward, show tho person to be luxurious, unfaithful, and hard to believe. They whose oyes aro addicted to be bloodshot, are naturally choleric, proud, cruel without shame, and much inclinod to superstition.
Thus from the eyes we several things may see.
By nature's art of physiognomy;
And thus may teach us goodness more to prize,
For where one's good, twenty are less wise.
Nose.—A long and thin nose denotes a man bold, furious, angry, vain, and credulous. A bottlo-nose is what denotes a man to bo vain, false, luxurious, woak, and uncortain. A noso broad in the middle, and loss toward the end, denotes a vain, talkativo person, a liar, and ono of a bad fortune. He who hath a long and great nose, is an admirer of tho fair sex, addicted to vico, and very ignorant. A nose that turns up, and is long and full on the tip of it, shows a porson that has it to be bold, envious, luxurious, a liar, and a deceiver. He whose nose risoth high in the middle