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Page:Motion Pictures 1912 to 1939 (IA Motionpict19121939librrich0010).djvu/1270

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Maps and Atlases (Part 6).

Lists annually about 1,500 registrations for maps, atlases, and globes. Alphabetical arrangement under name of person or organization primarily responsible for the content of the map, with cross-references from geographical areas. Numbers for 1951 and later contain a subject and area index and a list of publishers with complete addresses. $1.00.

Works of Art, Reproductions of Works of Art, Scientific and Technical Drawings, Photographic Works, Prints and Pictorial Illustrations (Parts 7-11A).

Lists annually about 10,000 registrations in five sections, each of which consists of an alphabetical arrangement of complete entries under author, claimant, or other heading appropriate to the class. $2.00.

Commercial Prints and Labels (Part 11B).

Lists annually about 13,000 registrations for prints and labels published in connection with the sale or advertisement of articles of merchandise and registered for copyright. Alphabetical arrangement by claimant. $2.00.

Motion Pictures and Filmstrips (Parts 12 and 13).

Lists annually about 2,500 registrations for filmstrips and theatrical and nontheatrical motion pictures. Alphabetical arrangement by title, with a classified list arranged under headings which indicate the general nature or intended use of the films, a subject index for nontheatrical films, and an index of claimants, producing companies, sponsors, and authors. $1.00.

Renewal Registrations-Literature, Art, Film (Part 14A).

Available for 1947, 1948, 1949, and 1950. Renewal registrations for 1951 and later are listed with their respective classes, except music renewals which are listed in Part 5C, described above. $1.00.

Dramatic Compositions Copyrighted in the United States, 1870 to 1916. 2 vols. 1918.

Includes all titles for dramatic works registered from July 21, 1870, to December 31, 1916, inclusive; upwards of 60,000 titles. Alphabetical arrangement by title, with index of claimants, authors, editors, etc. $4.00.

Motion Pictures, 1912–39. (Catalog of Copyright Entries, Cumulative Series.) 1951.

Describes over 50,000 motion pictures registered in the Copyright Office during the years 1912–39. $18.00.

The following publications may be ordered from the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C., or from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.

Copyright in Congress, 1789–1904. A bibliography and chronological record of all proceedings in Congress in relation to copyright. (Bulletin 8) 468 p. 1905. Cloth, 65 cents.

Copyright Law of the United States of America. (Bulletin 14), 1949 edition. 15 cents.

Decisions of the United States Courts Involving Copyright.

  • 1909–14 (Bulletin 17) 65 cents.
  • 1914–17 (Bulletin 18) $1.00.
  • 1918–24 (Bulletin 19) $1.75.
  • 1924–35 (Bulletin 20) $2.25.
  • 1935–37 (Bulletin 21) 75 cents.
  • 1938–39 (Bulletin 22) 75 cents.
  • 1939–40 (Bulletin 23) $1.00.
  • 1941–43 (Bulletin 24) $2.00.
  • 1944–46 (Bulletin 25) $1.00.
  • 1947–48 (Bulletin 26) $1.75.
  • 1949–50 (Bulletin 27) in process.