Automobile Starting
and Lighting Systems
Give Satisfactory Results
when given Proper Attention
We specialize on electrical equipment, storage batteries, etc., and guarantee satisfaction.
Guarantee Battery Co.
Brand & Cushman
Phone Franklin 2772
639 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
Strictly Fireproof Building
Best Service Assured
735-751 Post St., San Francisco
Telephone Prospect 2280
pedition, but it remained for Hudson's recent dare to transfer the award to the bonnet of his car.
"A condition like we encountered might not exist again in 50 years," says Hudson. "I think it would be impossible for me or any one else to repeat the feat now without great difficulty, because rain has made the ground soft again. Just to prove the condition of the road, we left the inn on our return at 4 o'clock, and reached Portland two hours and fifty minutes later, making about fifty miles of travel without even stopping the car once.
'I have been to the mountain six times, and always before I have had to stop for some reason or other, but not so this last time. And always before I have had to have my car washed carefully upon its return, but this time it was not spattered with a speck of mud or dust.
"Also, it was absolutely the cheapest trip of all. It cost me for the round trip ot about 108 miles exactly 15 cents' worth of oil and 7½ gallons of gasoline. I didn't have to look at the radiator for water, and made no adjustment whatever. Of course, I'll admit that I was mighty lucky not to get into some deep rut, but I guess luck is all right when it happens to be of the right brand.
"Just one more thing about going to Mount Hood in January. The scenery there and thereabouts was at its best. Everything that day was as clear as crystal, for there was no smoke or dust to mar our complete view."
Sing a song of motor cars, a pocketful of dough. Some for dinners and cigars and some to go for show. Some for ferry tolls and tires and some for gasoline, and some for labor that aspires to running the machine.
But yonder is a meadow
All beautiful and fair,
And the yellowbreasted meadowlarks.
Are singing everywhere.
The owner's in the front seat counting up his roll, and the watchman at the toll gate is waiting for his toll. This for that, and that for this, a dollar here and there, and twenty green-backs in a row for going anywhere.
But yonder is an orchard
Immaculately white.
And every blossom beautiful
And dancing in the light.
The madam's in the back seat showing off her clothes, and these are very beautiful, as everybody knows. Dusterets and cravenets, tailor suits and veils, and all the other pretty things they capture at the sales.
But yonder is the dogwood
A-blooming on the hill.
And beauty in its burgeoning
Enough for any bill.
—The Motor News.
EQUIPMENT OF MEANS "EVERYTHING" when comfort and convenience are considered. TIRE HOLDERS serviceable and attractive. HIND VIEW MIRRORS show the road and prevent accidents from rear end collisions. ROBE RAILS FOOT RESTS TIRE LOCKS LICENSE PAD HOLDERS All necessary for the Auto E. H. WHITEHOUSE MFG. COMPANY Newark. N. J. A FULL STOCK AT Chanslor & Lyon Co. 1238 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco
"Hoover" Auxiliary Spring Action of "Hoover" Spring under ordinary load, or running on smooth roads Full factory equipment on all Packards, Oldsmobiles, Coles, Thomas and Seven others. Absolutely perfect. No competition. Full set of four— $14.00 to $18.00
IMPOSSIBLE TO BREAK SPRINGS Under compression by heavy loads, rough roads or bumps. Under all conditions rides as easy as on asphalt. Impossible to break springs. HOOVER SPRING CO. 617 Turk St., San Francisco, Cal.