Good Roads Gossip
Bear Valley-Mill Creek Road.
Redlands men, who have been in conference with the new Board of Supervisors of the county, have received assurances that next summer the road from this city to Bear Valley by way of the Mill Creek will be completed. The road is finished into Barton Flats at the present time.
The personnel of the Board of Supervisors changed color entirely at the last election, when two old supervisors were defeated and the opposition came into power. There was some fear at first that the new Supervisors would not be so favorable to mountain automobile roads, but they have declared that they will do
Automobile Starting
and Lighting Systems
Give Satisfactory Results when given Proper Attention
We specialize on electrical equipment, storage batteries, etc., and guarantee satisfaction.
Guarantee Battery Co.
Brand & Cushman
Phone Franklin 2772
639 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco
Strictly Fireproof Building
Best Service Assured
735-751 Post St., San Francisco
Telephone Prospect 2280
Coils Magnetos Lighting and Starting Systems
Mea Magneto
Mea Service
Electrical Mechanical
Expert Workmanship
as much work on the roads into the mountains as is possible.
It is estimated that it will cost much less to build the road on into Bear Valley than it cost to build the part finished. The heavy work has been done, as the road has been taken over the divide, and it is down grade the rest of the way. The present road cost $40,000. Work on the last leg will probably start early in the spring.
The value of low grade roads that can be used by automobiles is shown at the present time. When this road is completed, it will give an easy access to the valley at all times of the year. Now the valley would be absolutely closed were it not for the road in via Victorville, a long one. It has been learned that there is much demand for a good road open in the winter as there is for good road in the summer. It would take a much heavier snow storm than usual to close the road that is now being built into the valley.
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Longest Route.
What is said to be the roughest and longest mail route in the United States is that which runs from Silver City to Mogollon, 90 miles. The postoffice department has just let the contract for carrying the mail over this route by means of motor cars.
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Chicago Speedway.
Five hundred miles will be the length of the initial motor car race over the new Chicago Speedway, it was decided at a meeting recently of the executive board of the Speedway Park Association and Clifford Island, representing the American Automobile Association. Although the date of the race was not fixed, June 19th was tentatively selected.
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Improving its Roads.
Work on the new Long Creek-Prairie City road is progressing rapidly, and when completed it will open a big part of Grant County, Oregon, which is now virtually inaccessible. This is a road for which the Grant County Court recently refused to appropriate, saying it was not desired by the citizens of either town. This contention the citizens of Prairie City met by subscribing $3,000 in three hours. Two crews of twelve men each are now working in the vicinity of Grub Creek, having completed five miles of road. Long Creek has constructed about the same amount from its end and the road will be ready for use in a short time.
Take Road Work Out of Politics.
A bill will be presented to the legislature next month which, it is hoped by those fathering it, will take the county roads out of politics and place construction and maintenance in the hands of competent engineers whose tenure of office will depend solely upon efficient work. Something like this is needed. If we are to ever have good roads, or even fairly good roads, the construction and maintenance of them must be taken out of politics. We need non-partisanship in road building.—Chico Record.
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Brass work may be painted if it is first given a coat of shellac and the shellac allowed to dry before the paint is put on. Shellac will stand a much higher temperature than will paint, and if it is applied first, it will prevent the paint from peeling or chipping.
Spot Light
This lamp is constructed of the very finest material and will throw a light several hundred feet; can be turned in any direction and is a necessary accessory for the automobile. Can be used for looking up numbers, cross road signs, and is excellent for use in mountain travel. Furnished with Windshield or Fore-door bracket.
Price postpaid $9.00
Lathan Auto Supply Go.
Van Ness Ave. and Pine St.
San Francisco
BRANCH — 112 East Second St., Reno, Nev.
Phone Market 6370
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