Page:Motoring Magazine and Motor Life October 1913.djvu/17

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October, 1913



��ture makes it fresh every year, and all she has to do is to open the way, so the roads can be used in the winter. Other people have a summer climate, but Cali- fornia has a monopoly on winter climate." '6 'S b

��In the southernmost part of Texas lies Galveston County. On Galveston Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, lies the city of Galveston. From the city and county of Galveston have emanated reports of mu- nicipal improvements and commercial f^rowth that have caused the eyes of the world to center upon Galveston. Gal- veston credits her unsurpassed record of achievement to the willingness of her citizens to assume reasonable responsi- bilities through bond issues for perma- nent improvements. Little more than a decade ago, Galveston built a seawall five miles long, costing $62 a lineal foot, or a total of more than $1,500,000. Gal- veston then spent $2,000,000 to raise her- self permanently above flood level. An- other $2,000,000 was expended in the erection of a concrete two mile causeway connecting Galveston Island with the mainland.

But the seawall, the causeway and Galveston's splendid system of shelled streets were attractions unavailable to auto tourists because of the absence of good county roads. The county of Gal- veston then proceeded to issue bonds in ' the sum of half a million dollars for road betterment. Millions of humble oysters, long deceased, furnished the material that crowns the Galveston County shelled roads, and the few feeders constructed by means of the original bond issue. Gal- veston at once became a Mecca for auto tourists, and throughout the year visiting autos swarm over the city. The bene- fits derived from the roads established through the first bond issue created a hunger for more and more shelled roads, and on September 26, 1913, the taxpay- ers of Galveston County bonded them- selves to the extent ot an additional $250,000 for the construction of feeders to the main roads already built.

The expenditure of this money will make the shelled road system of Galves- ton County one of the finest in the world, and will doubtless be justified through immediate good results. These roads will form the last lap of the Colorado to the Gulf Highway, the terminus of which will be the seawall boulevard at Galves- ton. If the plan of the Galveston Com- mercial Association carries, involving the working of State convicts on county roads, no available piece of road in the county will be left unshelled.



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