Page:Motors and motor-driving (1902).djvu/283

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of the burner itself around the cap is proportionately adjusted in size. Air is supplied by suitable holes in the bottom of the fire-box. To obtain the initial heat, methylated spirit is poured into the circular trough and lighted, thus heating the vaporiser, or when gas is laid on in the stable a flexible tube and gas-jet can be used. The primary reason that the vapour

Fig. 5a.—Paraffin Burner (end view)

from the jet nozzle flows up the inducing-tube is because the heat of the fire-box induces a constant inward current of air through the open door of the mouth-piece. No automatic regulator is fitted to this burner, which is in the usual way controlled entirely from the seat, but the makers have designed a special form of diaphragm regulator, which is sometimes used,