Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/106

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"But we were surely suspicious of you at first," he said, with a smile.

"Yes," said the clerk. "A chambermaid called my attention to the clicking sound when she was making up the room. I investigated, and when I heard it, and saw the queer box, and remembered that we had had dynamiting here, I sent for the police."

"We're sorry to have given you a scare," said Blake, and then the incident was over, and the crowd in the street dispersed on learning there was to be no sensation.

"Say, I think there's some sort of hoodoo about us," remarked Joe, as he and Blake sat in their room.

"Why, you're not going to come any of that gloomy C. C. business on me; are you?" asked Blake.

"Not at all," went on his chum. "But what I mean by a hoodoo is that something always seems to happen when we start out anywhere. We've been on the jump, you might say, ever since we lost our places on the farms and got into this moving picture business."

"That's so. And the latest is being taken for dynamiters."

"Yes. But if things are going to keep on happening to us I wish they'd take a turn and help