Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/117

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"Well, I suppose I'll have to also," spoke C. C., with a sigh. "But I know something will happen. Some sparks will fall on me and scorch me, anyhow, I'm sure."

"Oh, Gloomy!" reproachfully exclaimed Miss Shay. "Do look on the bright side for once."

"There isn't any," asserted the comedian, as he resumed his practice of making strange faces.

Mr. Ringold succeeded in purchasing, for a moderate sum, one of the older cottages, and it was put in shape for its share in the moving picture story, some changes being necessary. The fisherman and his family moved out, glad of the chance to better themselves.

"We won't say anything about planning to fire the shack," declared Mr. Ringold to the boys and the members of his company. "If we do it will attract a crowd, and that's just what we don't want. The fewer the better. Now we'll go over to the shack, and have a rehearsal."

"A dress one?" asked Mr. Piper, meaning that everything would be done just as if the pictures were being taken. "You're not going to have the real fire now; are you?"

"No, indeed," said the manager. "We can only burn the cottage down once."

The rehearsal went off well, and Blake and Joe, who were to make the films, watched the work