Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/119

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"Hurry!" cried the manager, and C. C. sprinted out of the reach of the fire.

And then something entirely unexpected, and not down on the bill, happened. A number of fishermen, who had seen the blaze from down the beach, came running up, all excited, thinking the fire was an accident.

"Get that old pumping engine!" shouted one grizzled salt. "We'll have that blaze out in no time!"

"Form a bucket brigade!" suggested another.

"No! No! Let it burn!" cried Mr. Ringold. "We want it to burn!"

"Want it to burn?" was shouted at him, by the fisherman who had proposed the pump. "Be you plumb crazy? Come on, boys, form that bucket brigade. Some of you run that hand-pump over here where we can pour water in the tank. Stretch the hose!"

"They'll spoil the picture!" cried Mr. Ringold, rushing about, and trying to keep the fishermen away.

Joe and Blake, not having orders to the contrary, and not knowing but what this was all part of the play, continued to grind away at their cameras, two reels of this play being taken, as an additional one was needed.

"Here she comes!" cried the fisherman, as some