Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/121

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"Don't do it!" cried Mr. Ringold. "Let that fire burn!"

But there were now so many fishermen rushing about here and there that they paid no attention to the excited theatrical man, who issued orders right and left.

"What shall we do?" demanded C. C., who had gotten off to one side with the girl he was supposed to have "rescued" from the burning cabin.

"I don't know!" cried Mr. Ringold. "The whole play is spoiled by those fellows butting in. Hi, there!" he called to Blake and Joe, as he saw them operating the cameras. "Stop the reel! We don't want any of this!"

The clicking machines grew silent, and then the boys knew that something was wrong.

Meanwhile, the hand engine was placed in position. It was learned, later, that the fish concern kept it for use in cases of emergency. There