Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/127

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"Say, this is rough, all right!" exclaimed Blake, as they found themselves in the boiling, frothing surf.

"That's what!" agreed Joe.

"Let me out! I want to walk!" pleaded Macaroni, who was not very fond of the water.

"You'll be all right in a minute!" called Abe Haskill, who was captain of the boat. "Soon as you git out beyond the breakers you won't mind it."

And they found that they did not, though there was some motion, as there was quite a swell on. They reached the nets safely, and while the meshes were hauled up, bringing a good catch of fish, the moving picture boys took many views. It was interesting as well as instructive.

"This would make a good educational reel," suggested Blake, as he spread his legs to maintain his balance against the rocking motion of the boat.

"Indeed it would," observed Joe. "Look, there's some one overboard!" and he pointed to one of the other boats.

A man had indeed slipped into the sea. The moving picture boys were ready, however, and trained one of the cameras on the fisherman, who, laughing at his mishap, soon swam to the boat again, and was pulled in.