Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/138

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The man paused, seemed as if about to come directly for them again, and then dashed off to one side. He made a leap into the bushes, only to discover nothing, as his chagrined exclamation showed.

"I told you so!" growled one of his companions. "It was only the wind."

"The wind doesn't break sticks," was the snappish reply.

Then it was a bird—maybe a fishhawk."

"Maybe," assented the man who had started to make the search. "But I thought some one was spying on us, and if they were——" He did not finish, but glared angrily around. He was so close to the boys that they could hear his rapid breathing, but the leafy screen effectively hid them from view. "If I catch any one," he went on, "he'll wish he never ran across Hemp Danforth!" and he shook a big fist.

"Oh, come on!" called some of his companions. "There's lots to be done yet before we get this lantern finished. And if we want any rich pickings we'll have to hustle for 'em. The weather looks like it was going to break, and that will be just what we want. Come on, Hemp."

"All right, I will, only don't talk so bold and free."

"Why not?"