Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/141

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"No—don't go!" whispered Blake, hoarsely, holding his chum back. "Stay here, Joe. Don't speak to those men!"

"But they have something to do with my father."

"No matter; do as I say, please! Believe me, Joe, I can't explain now, for I promised I would not. But you'll understand—later. Don't approach those men?"

"Why not?"

"Because—well, I can't tell you!"

"Then I'm going!" declared Joe, half fiercely. "Blake, I'm sure you're keeping something from me. I've suspected it for some time, for you've looked at me in a queer fashion when I spoke of my father. Now what is it?"

"Really, Joe, it's nothing—that is——"

"Yes, it is something. If you don't tell me I'll go out there and take the consequences!"

Joe broke from Blake's restraining grasp as he whispered this, and was about to dash for the bushes, when Hemp Danforth, dashing down a stone he was raising, cried out:

"Boys, you can't fool me! There is some one here, and they're spying on us. I'll make 'em sorry for it! I hear whispering, and I've felt right along as though unseen eyes were looking at me. Now I'm going to find out who it is!"