Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/151

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"What do you think is the best thing to do?" asked Blake. "We ought to act quickly, or they may leave this part of the country, to try their scheme farther down the coast. It might succeed, then."

"That's right," declared Mr. Stanton. "We must act at once. My assistant is here now, and I'll have him go with you. I'm a little too old for such work. Besides, one of us will have to stay here to guard the light. No telling but what the scoundrels might try to wreck it. But if they come, I'll be ready for 'em!" he cried, as he took down an old-fashioned musket from the wall. "I'll stand by to repel boarders!" he exclaimed, holding the weapon above his head, and then sighting it at an imaginary enemy.

"I'll call my assistant," he went on. "Tom Cardiff is as sturdy a lad as you'd wish to see. He can get one of the men from the life saving station, and with a couple of the government secret service officers you ought to be able to get those wreckers, don't you think?"

"Sure!" cried Joe.

"Did you mean for us to help catch 'em?" asked Blake.

"I certainly did," went on the keeper. "That is, unless you're——"