Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/155

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"It's going to be a dark night," remarked Blake, a little later, as he and Joe were on their way to the lighthouse. It was early evening, but the sky was clouding over and a wind was coming up that sent the big billows bounding up on the sand with a booming noise like the discharge of distant cannon.

"Yes, we'll have to sort of feel our way along," said Joe. "But I guess we can find the place, all right."

"I hope so. But I wonder if the men will come back after the alarm we gave 'em?"

"That's hard to tell, Blake. And yet they might; for, though they saw us, they may think we were only a couple of lads out for a stroll, who accidentally stumbled on their hiding place. In that case they wouldn't think we'd give any alarm, and they'd go on with their plans."

"That's so. Well, we'll see what happens. I hope there aren't too many of them, so that our men can handle them."

"That Tom Cardiff can get away with a couple on his own account, and with the life saver, and the secret service men, not to mention ourselves, Blake, I guess we'll make out all right."

"I reckon you and I together, Joe, can account for at least one," and Blake looked quizzically at his chum.