Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/16

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fully. "Now, if you boys will get the water, and break out the grub, I'll get supper. It'll soon be dark."

The lads busied themselves, and soon a cheerful little blaze was going, while the tired horses and burros, relieved of the burden of saddles and packs, were rolling luxuriously around at the length of their tether ropes.

"I wonder if all the Moquis and Navajos who skipped off their reservations have been driven back?" asked Joe, as they were about ready to eat.

"What makes you ask that?" inquired Blake, quickly, and with a curious look at his chum.

"Oh, no special reason. But you know Captain Marsh, of the troop in which my uncle, Sergeant Duncan, was enlisted, said he had rounded up several bands of 'em, and I was just thinking that——"

"That maybe there were some more running around loose that we could make pictures of; is that it, Joe?"

"Well, yes. You know that society offered a prize of a thousand dollars for the best reel of ceremonial dances, but there were smaller prizes for ordinary pictures of Indians in various activities. I thought maybe we could get some of those."

"I'm afraid not—not on this trip, at least,"