Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/161

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There was no doubt about it, the wreckers were not there, and the indications were that they had betaken themselves to some other location.

When the men flashed the pocket electric lamps they had brought with them, the little opening at the top of the cliff was well illuminated.

"Nothing doing!" exclaimed Joe, regretfully.

"They must have skipped out right after they chased us," decided Blake.

"And they went in a hurry, too," declared Tom Cardiff.

"What makes you think so?" asked one of the government officers.

"Look at how this stone pile, which they intended to use as a base for their lantern, is disturbed, and pulled apart," went on the assistant lighthouse keeper, as he flashed his torch on it. "I'll wager, boys, that when you saw it, with that contrivance atop by which they hoped to fool