Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/177

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In order to save time, as soon as they got to the nearest small settlement, Joe and Blake hired a carriage, and drove to the lighthouse. As may well be imagined their report caused considerable excitement.

"We'll get right after 'em!" cried Tom Cardiff. "I just got a telephone message from the secret service men that they are on their way here. They'll arrive in about an hour. We were counting on getting on the trail ourselves to-day, but you boys got ahead of us. So in about an hour we'll start. I guess they'll be there then; won't they, lads."

"I should judge so," was Blake's answer. "They've got quite a good deal yet to do to get that fake lantern in shape, and they don't seem suspicious."

"We can't have our life saving friend with us now," went on the assistant keeper, "as he is on duty, but I guess the five of us will be enough."

"Say!" cried Blake, with sudden thought, "if it's going to be an hour before we start we've got time to get our automatic moving picture camera, Joe."

"What for?"

"To get some views of this capture. It ought to make a dandy film, and we can set the machine