Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/185

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Stewart and Joe Duncan go into court, and testify about hearing you talk of wrecking vessels by your false lantern, the jury'll convict you, all right!"

Hemp seemed less concerned with what Tom said than with the name Joe Duncan. As this was uttered the wrecker looked at the two lads.

"Did I understand him to say that one of you is a Duncan?" asked Hemp, curiously.

"I am," replied Joe.

"Are you Nate Duncan's son?"

"I hope so—yes, I'm sure I am."

"Ha! Ha!" laughed the wrecker.

"What's the joke?" inquired Tom Cardiff.

"This, and it's a good one, too. You think to convict us on the testimony of Nate Duncan's son. Why, Nate is one of us! His son's evidence wouldn't be any good. Besides, a son wouldn't help to convict his father. That's a good one. Nate Duncan is one of us!"

"That's not so!" burst out Joe, jumping toward the big wrecker, as though to strike him. "It isn't true. My father never was a wrecker."

"He wasn't; eh?" sneered Hemp. "Well, I'm not saying we are, either; but if your father isn't a wrecker why did he run away before the officers came for him? Answer me that—if you can!"