Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/187

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Mr. Duncan was accused, but nothing had been proved against them.

"Well, that was a good day's work!" declared Mr. Hadley late that afternoon, when he and the moving picture boys were back at their quarters. "We not only got the wreckers, but a fine film of the capture besides."

"And we're in it," said Blake. "Joe, how will it seem to see yourself on a screen."

"Oh, rather odd, I guess," and Joe spoke listlessly.

"Now look here!" exclaimed his chum. "I know what's worrying you. It's what Hemp said about your father; isn't it?"

"Yes, Blake, it is."

"Well then, you just stop thinking about it. Before you know it your father may arrive in Hong Kong, get your letter, and send back an answer. Then everything will be cleared up. Meanwhile, we've got to get busy; there are a lot of films to make, I understand."

"Indeed there are," declared Mr. Ringold. "I have my sea drama all ready for the films now. I don't know what to do about a wreck, though. I'm afraid I can't make it realistic enough. I must make other plans about that scene. But get your cameras in good shape, boys, for there is plenty of work ahead."