Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/189

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"Oh, what a world!" sighed the comedian, as he began whistling the latest comic song.

"It looks like a storm," remarked Blake, as he and Joe came in one evening from a stroll on the beach.

"And when it does come," added Joe, "it's going to be a bad one, so old Abe, the fisherman, says. They're putting storm signals up all along the coast, and all leaves of absence for the life guards have been cancelled for the next week. A storm sometimes lasts that long, Abe says."

"A storm; eh?" remarked Mr. Ringold, absentmindedly. "Well, that will interfere with our plans for to-morrow. I had intended to have some peaceful scenes on the beach; but I'll postpone them. I wish I could work out this wreck problem," he added, as he pored over the manuscript of the sea drama.

One did not need to go outdoors that morning to appreciate the fury of the storm. The gale had come in the night, and the force of the wind had steadily increased until its violence was terrific. There was no rain, as yet, but the sky was obscured by hurrying black clouds.

"Let's go down to the beach and see the big waves," proposed Blake to Joe after breakfast.

"All right," agreed his chum. "There won't