Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/194

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"Aye, aye, lad. We're with you!" cried the sturdy old man. "I'll get the boys. A wreck; eh? Pity the poor sailors that come ashore in such a blow!"

Having given the alarm, Blake turned back to join his chum and the others of the theatrical colony.

"We may need all three cameras," he reasoned; "it is such a good chance we don't want to risk it on one film."

Blake found Mr. Hadley and his chum, with the theatrical manager and the male members of the company, ready to set out. Joe had his own camera, while Mr. Hadley was getting the largest one in readiness.

"Let's take the automatic, too," suggested Joe. "We can start it going and not have to worry about it."

"All right," agreed Blake.

"Say, this is the very chance we wanted!" cried Mr. Ringold. "Think of it! A regular wreck, right at our doors!"

"Oh, but the poor sailors!" exclaimed Miss Shay. "I do hope they may be saved!"

"Of course they can!" cried C. C. Piper. "We'll all help. Never fear; we'll save them!"

His tone and manner, to say nothing of his words, were in such contrast to his usual de-