Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/203

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out from shore. Soon it reached the side of the ship, to be hauled up, and made fast to the stump of one of the masts.

"Lively now, boys!" cried the captain. "Pull taut and then run out the buoy. She can't last much longer!"

The men made redoubled efforts, and Blake and Joe, leaving their automatic camera working, while Mr. Hadley turned the operation of his over to Macaroni, the three moving picture experts aided in the work of rescue.

Soon the breeches buoy was hauled out to the ship for its first passenger, and presently the sagging of the cable told that some one was in it.

"Pull, boys!" cried the captain of the life savers, and through the dashing waves, that threw their crests over the shipwrecked person, the buoy was hauled ashore.

"Grab him!" cried the captain, as the first one saved was pulled up high on the beach.

"It isn't a him, captain!" cried one of the men. "It's a woman!"

"Bless my sea boots!" yelled the captain. "A woman! Are there any more of you aboard—or any children?"

"I—I'm the only one," was the panting answer, for she had swallowed much water. "I'm