Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/211

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From where he was standing by a group of the rescued sailors, Joe Duncan heard what the lighthouse keeper said. The lad rushed forward.

"Nate Duncan!" he repeated, as he gazed at the two men, who were just beginning to revive under the application of stimulants. "Which one of you is Mr. Duncan?" he asked, eagerly.

"I—I am," faltered the younger of the two men. "Why, who wants me. Oh, it's you, Harry Stanton," and he looked at the lighthouse keeper standing near him. "I—I can explain everything. I——"

"It wasn't I who asked," spoke the lighthouse keeper. "It was this lad here," and he indicated Joe. "Your son."

"My son!" cried the rescued man. "Are you sure—can it be true. Oh, is it possible? Don't disappoint me! Are you my son?" and he held out his hands to Joe.