Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/218

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"Now that isn't a nice thing to say," Miss Lee reminded him. "Why can't you be cheerful?"

"Why, I'm not at all gloomy. I only said——"

"You tried to throw cold water on what the boys did," she reminded him.

"Water! Say, if anybody says water to me again to-day, I don't know what I will do!" exclaimed Blake. "Shame on you, C. C.! You ought to be more careful."

"Oh, well, I didn't mean anything. I guess those pictures will be all right—if the salt spray doesn't spoil the celluloid," he added, as he moved off.

"You're hopeless," declared Miss Lee. "I'll never speak to you again."

The nonsensical talk served to raise the spirits of those who had been rather plunged in gloom ever since the wreck. Mr. Duncan was given a room to himself where he could be quiet and recover from the shock of having been so near death.

The moving picture boys found plenty to do. In addition to getting off to the developing studio the films they had taken that day, they had to prepare for a hard day's work to follow, for, now that he had the wreck scene, Mr. Ringold declared that he needed some others to go with it to round