Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/221

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Boys in the Jungle; Or, Stirring Times Among the Wild Animals." In it will be told of their adventures and you may learn whether or not they found Joe's sister.

"Well, we got everything we came for," said Mr. Ringold, a few days later, when the shipwrecked ones had been sent to their homes with the exception of Mr. Duncan, who remained with Joe.

"Yes, all the dramas, and the storm and wreck as well," agreed Mr. Hadley.

"But we'll never have such good luck again," predicted C. C. Piper, with a return of his gloomy manner. "I know something will happen to us on our way back East."

"Oh, cheer up," urged Miss Lee; "the sun is shining."

"But it will rain to-morrow," declared the comedian, as he did some odd little dance steps.

Preparations for taking the theatrical company back East were made; but Joe, Blake and Mr. Duncan were uncertain about accompanying them. While Joe and his father were talking over their plans, Blake went to San Francisco on a vacation for a week.

But it was not much of a rest for him. While there he learned of a prize offered for the best moving picture of the fire department in action,