Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/47

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but continued to toss away article after article. They seemed afraid of the consequences should they be caught with anything belonging to the whites in their possession. They may have taken Hank and the boys for the advance-guard of a sheriff's posse, and, knowing they had been doing wrong, were afraid. At any rate they made no stand.

"I've got 'em all!" finally yelled Blake.

"Then there's no use chasing after 'em any farther," said Hank. "Hold on, Joe," for the boy was pushing on.

The horses of the pursuers were pulled down to a walk. The Indians noticed this at once, and, seeming to realize that the chase was over, they halted, and, turning, gazed in a body at the moving picture boys and their cowboy guide.

"Had enough, I reckon," murmured Hank. "I guess you can't go on much farther. Well, we'll turn back a ways and put some miles between us, so you won't try any of your tricks again, and then we'll go into camp ourselves. Got everything, Blake?"

"Yes, every reel of film, and not one has been opened, by good luck. Maybe they thought it was powerful 'medicine,' and didn't want to run any chances."

"We don't care, as long as we have 'em back,"