Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/56

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The announcement of Mr. Ringold was followed by a silence, during which Joe and Blake looked at each other. It seemed like too much good fortune to learn that they would still have the company of their friends in this new quest.

"Do you really mean that?" asked Joe. "You're not saying it just to help us out; are you, Mr. Ringold?"

"No. What makes you think that?"

"Because it seems too good to be true. I wouldn't like anything better than to go with your company and make pictures."

"The same here," added Blake.

"And if, at the same time, I can locate my father," went on Joe, "so much the better, though I don't imagine I will have any trouble finding him, once I can communicate with the government lighthouse board, and learn where he is stationed. They have a list of all employes, I imagine."