Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/81

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There was silence between man and boy for a space, and then Blake, understanding how hard it would be to keep the news from Joe, said:

"I'll have to tell him something, Mr. Stanton. Joe will want to know why his father went away, and where. Isn't there any way in which we may get a clue to the direction he took?"

"Wait a minute until I think, lad," said the old man. "It may be that we can find a clue, after all. Nate Duncan left some papers behind. I haven't looked at 'em, not wishing to make trouble, but there may be a clue there. I'll get 'em."

"And I'll call Joe in to go over them with me," said Blake. "He'll want to see them."

"But, mind you, not a word about what I've told you."

"No, I'll keep quiet," promised Blake. "I'll call him in, while you get the papers."