Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/86

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the theatrical troupe, the boys were told that the next day they would all take up their residence in a small seacoast settlement, out on the main ocean beach, away from the land-locked bay and where bigger waves could be pictured.

"And there we'll enact the first of the sea dramas," said Mr. Ringold.

"And all get drowned," murmured C. C., in his gloomiest tone.

"I'll wash your face with snow—the first time it snows in this summer land—if you don't be more cheerful," threatened Miss Shay.

"Well, something will happen, I'm sure," declared C. C. "When do we move?"

"To-morrow," said Mr. Ringold, while Blake and Joe told Mr. Hadley of their poor success in finding Mr. Duncan. The photographer, as did the other members of the company, sympathized with the lad. Mr. Ringold said that as soon as they got settled the boys could go to San Francisco to look up the shipping agent.

The transfer to the small seacoast settlement was a matter of some work, but in a week all was arranged, and the members of the company were settled in a large, comfortable house, close to the beach.

"And now for some rehearsals," said Mr. Ringold, one morning. "One of the scenes calls