Page:Moving Picture Boys on the Coast.djvu/90

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"Hello!" he cried. "Are you going to—gulp—let me—glub—sink out here? Can't some of you——" and the rest was lost amid a series of gurgles as the salty water got in C. C.'s mouth.

"Hold on just a little longer," called one of the fishermen, as he directed the craft toward the struggling actor. "We'll have you out presently."

"You'd—better—hurry—up!" panted the comedian, who might well be excused at this moment from taking a gloomy view of life.

He managed to cling to one side of the dory until the rescuing motor craft reached him. Then he was soon hauled aboard, dripping wet, all but exhausted, and unable to utter a sound save sighs.

"Well, it was too bad," said Mr. Ringold, when C. C. was once more ashore. "I guess we'll have to get you a little larger boat."

"Get me one?" asked the actor, with the accent on the personal pronoun.

"Certainly. We'll have to do this scene over again. I guess we could use one of the fishing boats, though they're a little large. But we can move the cameras back. Take one of those, C. C."

"I guess not."

"What's that?"

"I said I guess not. No more for mine!"

"Do you mean to say you won't go on with