Listen to him telling you, Jim. Them things means something_and Jim, I'm tired. I want ter
rest up in my little home and dream of you going on and making a great actor of yourself. The people need you , Jim. It ain't everybody that can make people laugh the way you can, and you got it, Jim. Ain't he, Danny ? DANNY
Who has been sitting near the hillock, rises. I'm tellin' ye, lassie. But if ye're goin', Lu , it's time we started . LU
Steadying herself.
I'm coming, Danny. Jim boy, goodbye. JIM
Shocked .
Goodbye ! LU
Yes, Jim; now
They stand staring at each other. Then Lu, with her soft, firm voice, speaks : Jim, I've made up my mind, so don't ask again.
My little voyage is over and I got a quiet harbor waiting for me, but you — you got to go on understand - for my sake. JIM
Lu, you can't go like this ! LU
Yes, Jim - 1 - Oh, Jim, understand ! Exit Danny and Lu.