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- Threatened Peace Offensive, 221
- Thrift campaign, 50
- Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, dismissed, 82
- Tisza, Count, admits defeat, 257
- To all at home, 197
- Tommy, British
- Needs no vocabulary, 69
- Philosophy of, 66
- To the Glory of France, 79
- Townshend, General
- Besieged in Kut, 70
- Heroism of his force, 65
- Tramcar humour, 55
- Tramps disappear from England, 101
- Transitional period, 274
- Trawlers, honour due to, 28
- Trenchard, General, retires from Air Staff, 218
- Trenches, sportsmanship of, 38
- Trench warfare commences, 10
- Trials of a camouflage officer, 176
- Trotsky released from internment, 167
- Tsing-tau, Japanese take, 12
- Tuber's repartee, the, 164
- Turkey
- Appeals to Berlin for funds, 199
- Defeated in Caucasus, 20
- Defeated on Suez Canal, 24
- Enters war, 12
- Granted armistice, 257
- Two Germanies, the, 5
- "Two heads with but a single thought," 98
- U-boat interned at Cadiz, 180
- U-boats
- Appear off U.S.A., 116
- Sir E. Geddes's diagram re, 211
- Ulstermen and Conscription, 198
- Unauthorised flirtation, an, 67
- Unconquerable, 9
- Unemployment dole, 288
- United States
- Accused of stealing cypher key, 175
- German propaganda in, 26
- Issues warning Note on neutral trading, 20
- No peace with Hohenzollerns, 175
- Unsinkable Tirp., the, 53
- V.A.D., tributes to, 171
- Venizelos, M., resumes power, 42
- Verdun
- Germans closing in on, 83
- Struggle around, begins, 74
- Triumph of French at, 128
- Versailles
- Conference, 204, 264
- Council, foresight of, 218
- Peace signed at, 290
- Very much up, 237
- Victory! 265
- Vienna, peace kite-flying at, 66
- Villager, English, and prospects of invasion, 18
- Vimy Ridge, Canadians capture, 145
- Volunteers, training of, 38
- Von Pot and von Kettle, 244
- Wales, South
- Miners' strike, 46
- Provides recruits, 46
- Wanted—a St. Patrick, 90
- War
- Anniversaries of, 47, 102, 168, 242
- Cabinet, Mr. Henderson resigns from, 173
- Changes wrought by, 252
- Conference of the Empire called, 128
- Daily cost of, 126
- Loans, 12, 40
- News, the shirkers', 22
- Pictures, 240
- Propaganda, need for a, at home, 117
- Teaching geography, 200
- Vocabulary, 55
- Ward, Colonel, defends Compulsory Service Bill, 69
- Warsaw, Russians lose, 47
- Waterloo Campaign and Great War, 24
- Wayside Calvary, the, 48
- Weddings, khaki, 42
- Well done, the New Army, 99
- Wemyss, Sir Rosslyn, on R.N. and mercantile marine, 239
- Whigs and Tories, strife between, revived, 82
- Whitby bombarded, 15
- Wilhelm I.'s message to wife, 23
- Wilhelmshaven indefinitely closed, 92
- William o' the Wisp, 29
- Wilson, General, appointed Chief of Imperial Staff, 204
- Wilson, President
- And the Lusitania, 36
- Declines to be rushed, 52
- Forbearance of, 74
- His Fourteen Points, 258
- Last Note to Germany, 264
- Launches a new phrase, 130
- Wittenberg, ill-treatment of prisoners at, 83
- Wolff, mendacity of, 23