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Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/329

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  1. Threatened Peace Offensive, 221
  2. Thrift campaign, 50
  3. Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, dismissed, 82
  4. Tisza, Count, admits defeat, 257
  5. To all at home, 197
  6. Tommy, British
  7. Needs no vocabulary, 69
  8. Philosophy of, 66
  9. To the Glory of France, 79
  10. Townshend, General
  11. Besieged in Kut, 70
  12. Heroism of his force, 65
  13. Tramcar humour, 55
  14. Tramps disappear from England, 101
  15. Transitional period, 274
  16. Trawlers, honour due to, 28
  17. Trenchard, General, retires from Air Staff, 218
  18. Trenches, sportsmanship of, 38
  19. Trench warfare commences, 10
  20. Trials of a camouflage officer, 176
  21. Trotsky released from internment, 167
  22. Tsing-tau, Japanese take, 12
  23. Tuber's repartee, the, 164
  24. Turkey
  25. Appeals to Berlin for funds, 199
  26. Defeated in Caucasus, 20
  27. Defeated on Suez Canal, 24
  28. Enters war, 12
  29. Granted armistice, 257
  30. Two Germanies, the, 5
  31. "Two heads with but a single thought," 98
  32. U-boat interned at Cadiz, 180
  33. U-boats
  34. Appear off U.S.A., 116
  35. Sir E. Geddes's diagram re, 211
  36. Ulstermen and Conscription, 198
  37. Unauthorised flirtation, an, 67
  38. Unconquerable, 9
  39. Unemployment dole, 288
  40. United States
  41. Accused of stealing cypher key, 175
  42. German propaganda in, 26
  43. Issues warning Note on neutral trading, 20
  44. No peace with Hohenzollerns, 175
  45. Unsinkable Tirp., the, 53
  46. V.A.D., tributes to, 171
  47. Venizelos, M., resumes power, 42
  48. Verdun
  49. Germans closing in on, 83
  50. Struggle around, begins, 74
  51. Triumph of French at, 128
  52. Versailles
  53. Conference, 204, 264
  54. Council, foresight of, 218
  55. Peace signed at, 290
  56. Very much up, 237
  57. Victory! 265
  58. Vienna, peace kite-flying at, 66
  59. Villager, English, and prospects of invasion, 18
  60. Vimy Ridge, Canadians capture, 145
  61. Volunteers, training of, 38
  62. Von Pot and von Kettle, 244
  63. Wales, South
  64. Miners' strike, 46
  65. Provides recruits, 46
  66. Wanted—a St. Patrick, 90
  67. War
  68. Anniversaries of, 47, 102, 168, 242
  69. Cabinet, Mr. Henderson resigns from, 173
  70. Changes wrought by, 252
  71. Conference of the Empire called, 128
  72. Daily cost of, 126
  73. Loans, 12, 40
  74. News, the shirkers', 22
  75. Pictures, 240
  76. Propaganda, need for a, at home, 117
  77. Teaching geography, 200
  78. Vocabulary, 55
  79. Ward, Colonel, defends Compulsory Service Bill, 69
  80. Warsaw, Russians lose, 47
  81. Waterloo Campaign and Great War, 24
  82. Wayside Calvary, the, 48
  83. Weddings, khaki, 42
  84. Well done, the New Army, 99
  85. Wemyss, Sir Rosslyn, on R.N. and mercantile marine, 239
  86. Whigs and Tories, strife between, revived, 82
  87. Whitby bombarded, 15
  88. Wilhelm I.'s message to wife, 23
  89. Wilhelmshaven indefinitely closed, 92
  90. William o' the Wisp, 29
  91. Wilson, General, appointed Chief of Imperial Staff, 204
  92. Wilson, President
  93. And the Lusitania, 36
  94. Declines to be rushed, 52
  95. Forbearance of, 74
  96. His Fourteen Points, 258
  97. Last Note to Germany, 264
  98. Launches a new phrase, 130
  99. Wittenberg, ill-treatment of prisoners at, 83
  100. Wolff, mendacity of, 23