thoroughly, return to the stewpan, and let it boil for a few minutes; add the flavouring essences and the butter, stir in the egg-yolks, continue to stir until the mixture binds, pour it in a basin, and let it cool.
Time.—20 minutes. Average Cost, 1s., exclusive of the icing. Sufficient for 1 dish.
1694.—CREAM TARTLETS. (Fr.—Tartelettes à la Crème.)
Ingredients.—Short paste (No. 1667, or 1668), apricot jam, ⅓ of a pint of cream, castor sugar.
Method.—Line 10 or 12 patty-pans with the paste, fill them with rice, with buttered paper between it and the paste, and bake until crisp in a brisk oven. When cool, about half fill them with jam, pile the stiffly-whipped sweetened cream on the top, and serve cold.
Time.— About 10 minutes. Average Cost, 1½d. each. Sufficient for 10 or 12 tartlets.
1695.—CUSTARD TARTLETS. (Fr.—Crèmes cuite au four.)
Ingredients.—Short paste (No. 1667, or 1668), 4 whole eggs, 2 whites of eggs, 1 pint of milk, sugar.
Method.—Line 12 deep patty-tins with short paste. Beat the 4 eggs, add the milk, and sweeten to taste. Fill the patty-pans with custard, and bake in a moderate oven until set. Have ready the whites of eggs, stifly-whisked and sweetened, pile lightly on the tartlets, and replace them in the oven until the meringue hardens, and acquires a little colour. Serve cold.
Time.—From 25 to 30 minutes, to bake. Average Cost, 9d., exclusive of the paste. Sufficient for 12 tartlets.
1696.—CUSTARD TARTLETS. (Another Method.) (Fr.—Crèmes cuite.)
Ingredients.—Short paste (No. 1667, or 1668), 4 eggs, 1 pint of milk, sugar, jam.
Method.—Bring the milk nearly to boiling point, add the sugar, and when dissolved pour on to the well-beaten eggs, stirring meanwhile. Return to the stewpan, or if preferred, put the mixture into a jug and stand it in a saucepan of boiling water, and stir until the custard thickens, but it must not boil. Line 12 deep patty-pans with paste, spread a good layer of jam on the bottom of each one, and fill with the custard. Bake in a moderate oven until the custard is set.
Time.—To bake, from 25 to 35 minutes. Average Cost, 9d., exclusive of the paste. Sufficient for 12 tartlets.