Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1052

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1803.—CARROT PUDDING. (Economical.)

Ingredients.—¾ of a lb. of young carrots, ½ a lb. of breadcrumbs, ¼ of a lb. of finely-chopped suet, ¼ of a lb. of sugar, 2 ozs. each of sultanas and raisins, cleaned and stoned, 3 eggs, a little milk, a good pinch of nutmeg, a good pinch of salt.

Method.—Prepare the carrot pulp as directed in the preceding recipe. Mix all the dry ingredients together, add to them the carrot pulp, eggs (previously well beaten), and sufficient milk to thoroughly moisten the whole. Pour into a well-greased mould or basin, cover with a buttered paper, and steam from 2 to 2½ hours. Or, turn into a buttered piedish, and bake gently for about 1¼ hours.

Time.—To make and steam, about 3 hours; to bake, from 2 to 2¼ hours. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.


Ingredients.—2 eggs, and their weight in butter, castor sugar and flour, 1 saltspoonful of finely-grated lemon-rind, jam.

Method.—Whisk the eggs well, stir in the sugar and flour, and add the butter slightly warmed. Have ready some well-buttered cups, cover the bottom of each one with jam, and fill it three-quarters full with the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven for 25 minutes, and serve with boiled custard (see recipes for same).

Time.—¾ of an hour. Average Cost, 10d. to 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 7 persons.

1805.—CASTLE PUDDINGS. (Fr.Pouding à la Château.)

Ingredients.—1½ ozs. of flour, 1½ ozs. of castor sugar, 1 oz. of butter, 1 level teaspoonful of baking-powder, 1 egg, a little milk, flavouring.

Method.—Cream the butter and sugar together, beat in the egg until the mixture is light and creamy. Sieve the flour and baking-powder together, stir lightly in, and add milk gradually until the mixture drops readily from the spoon. Three parts fill some well-buttered dariol moulds, and steam for 50 minutes or bake for half that length of time. Grated lemon-rind, vanilla, or any other flavouring ingredient may be added. Serve with jam, wine, or custard sauce.

Time.—About 1¼ hours. Average Cost, 5d. Sufficient for 3 or 4 persons.

1806.—CHERRY PUDDING. (Fr.Pouding aux Cerises.)

Ingredients.—1 lb. of cooking cherries, 3 tablespoonfuls of moist sugar, 1 inch of cinnamon, 3 ozs. of flour, 2 ozs. of castor sugar, 4 eggs, 1 gill