Jellies, etc.
1976.—ALMOND CHARLOTTE. (See Charlotte Russe, No. 2032.)
Omit the brandy or sherry and vanilla essence, and add 1 tablespoonful of coarsely-chopped, lightly-browned almonds and a few drops of almond essence.
Ingredients.—½ a pint of water, ¼ of a pint of sherry or Marsala, ¼ of a pint of lemon-juice, 6 ozs. of loaf sugar, 1 oz. of leaf gelatine, 4 yolks of eggs or 2 whole eggs, the thinly cut rind of 1 small lemon.
Method.—Put all the ingredients into a stewpan, and whisk over the fire until near boiling point, but do not allow it to actually boil, or the eggs will curdle. Strain through muslin or a fine strainer, pour into a mould and place in the cool to set.
Time.—About ½ an hour. Average Cost, 1s. 4d. Sufficient for about 1 quart of jelly.
1978.—APPLE JELLY. (Fr.—Gelée de Pommes.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of apples, 3 ozs. of castor sugar, ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine, 1 lemon, ½ a pint of water.
Method.—Peel and slice the apples, put them into a stewpan with the sugar, water, the juice and thinly cut rind of the lemon, simmer until tender, and rub through a fine sieve. Melt the gelatine in 2 tablespoonfuls of water, strain, and stir it into the apple preparation, and turn into a prepared mould.
Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 6d. Sufficient for 1 medium-sized mould.
1979.—APRICOT JELLY. (Fr.—Gelée d'Abricot.)
Ingredients.—18 large apricots, 1½ pints of syrup No. 2277, 1½ ozs. of gelatine, 3 tablespoonfuls of lemon-juice.
Method.—Remove the stones, and slice the apricots thinly. Make the syrup as directed, pour it boiling over the apricots, and add the lemon-juice. Soak the gelatine in a little cold water, and, when ready to use, stir it over the fire until dissolved. Allow the apricots to remain covered until nearly cold, then strain through a jelly bag, stir in the gelatine, and pour into a prepared mould.
Time.—About 1½ hours. Average Cost, 2s. 6d. to 3s. Sufficient for 1 quart.