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shredded almonds. This dish should be made at least 1 hour before serving.

Time.—About ½ an hour, after the custard is made. Average Cost, 3s. Sufficient for 1 large dish.

2095.—COFFEE CUSTARD. (Fr.Petits Crèmes au Café.)

Ingredients.—Coffee essence, 4 yolks of eggs, 2 whites of eggs, ½ a pint of milk, sugar to taste.

Method.—Bring the milk nearly to boiling point, pour it over the eggs previously beaten, and add sugar and coffee essence to taste. Pour the custard into buttered china ramakin cases, bake until set, and serve either hot or cold.

Time.—About 20 minutes. Average Cost, 6d. Sufficient for 6 or 8 ramakins.

Note.—Also see Moka Custard for Filling Eclairs.


Ingredients.—1 pint of milk, 1 dessertspoonful of coffee essence, 1½ ozs. of castor sugar, ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine.

Method.—Boil the milk, pour it over the gelatine; when dissolved stir in the sugar and coffee essence to taste. Stir occasionally until the preparation becomes cold and creamy, then pour into a wetted mould.

Time.—From 30 to 35 minutes. Average Cost, 4d. Sufficient for 4 or 5 persons.

2097.—COLD CABINET PUDDING. (Fr.Pouding Cabinet froid.)

Ingredients.—Savoy biscuits, 2 ozs. of ratafias, ½ a pint of milk, ½ a gill of cream, 1 oz. of castor sugar, ½ an oz. of leaf gelatine, 4 yolks of eggs, glacé cherries, vanilla essence, wine jelly.

Method.—Decorate the bottom of a charlotte mould, previously lined with a layer of jelly, with halves or rings of cherries, and line the sides of the mould with biscuits, placing them alternately back and front next the tin. Bring the milk nearly to boiling point, add the beaten yolks of eggs, and stir by the side of the fire until they thicken. Dissolve the gelatine and sugar in 1 or 2 tablespoonfuls of water, strain into the custard, and add vanilla essence to taste. Place the ratafias and trimmings of the Savoy biscuits in the mould, add the cream to the custard when cool, and pour into the mould. Let it stand on ice or in a cool place until set, then turn out and serve.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. 6d. Sufficient for 1 medium sized mould.