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Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1180

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2197.—FROZEN PUDDING. (See Iced Queen's Pudding, No. 2241, and Nesselrode Pudding, No. 2247.)

2198.—FRUIT CREAM ICE. (Fr.Fruits Glacés à la Crème.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of fresh fruit pulp (strawberry, raspberry, currant, or any other fruit preferred), 10 to 12 ozs. of sugar, ½ a pint of cream, 1 pint of milk, the juice of 1 lemon, the stiffly-whipped white of 1 egg.

Method.—Boil the milk, add the sugar, and put aside until nearly cold. Obtain the pulp by passing the fruit through a fine hair sieve, add the lemon-juice, milk, and the cream stiffly whipped. Partially freeze the preparation before adding the white of egg. The amount of sugar required depends upon the fruit used.

Time.—About 1 hour. Average Cost, about 2s. Sufficient for 10 or 12 persons.

2199.—GINGER ICE CREAM. (FrGlace à la Crème de Gingembre.)

Ingredients.—1½ pints of custard No. 1, 2 or 3, 3 ozs. of preserved ginger, 1 teaspoonful of ginger syrup.

Method.—Make the custard according to the recipe selected. Cut the ginger into small dice, stir it with the syrup into the custard and freeze as directed on p. 988.

Time.—From 30 to 40 minutes. Average Cost, 1s. to 1s. 3d. Sufficient for 7 or 8 persons.

2200.—ICED FRUIT. (Fr.Fruits Glacés.)

Fruit of nearly every description may be iced by first dipping it in beaten white of egg, and afterwards in crushed loaf sugar, the process being repeated until a sufficiently thick coating is obtained. Pineapples should be sliced; pears, peaches and plums should be halved after removing the skins; cherries, strawberries and similar fruit are iced with the stems on; and from oranges and lemons every particle of pith is removed before dividing the former into sections and the latter into slices (see Oranges, Iced).

2201.—ICE PUDDING. (See Iced Queen's Pudding No. 2241, and Nesselrode Pudding. No. 2247.)

2202.—ICED SOUFFLÉ. (See Iced Strawberry or Raspberry Soufflé.)