2287.—BURNT ALMONDS. (Another Method.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of Demarara sugar, ½ a lb. of almonds, 1 gill of water.
Method.—Put the sugar and water into a stewpan and stir occasionally until dissolved. As soon as it comes to the boil cease stirring, boil 2 or 3 minutes, and add the almonds. Now stir briskly until the sugar browns slightly and granulates, and has completely coated the almonds, then turn them on to a sieve, separate any that may have stuck together, and let them remain until cold.
Ingredients.—1 lb. of loaf sugar, ½ a lb. of butter, a pinch of cream of tartar, ½ a pint of milk.
Method.—Place the sugar and milk in a stewpan, and stir occasionally by the side of the fire until the sugar is dissolved. Now add the cream of tartar and the butter a small piece at a time, and boil the mixture until a little, dropped into cold water, forms a moderately hard ball. Pour on to an oiled or buttered tin, and as soon as it is sufficiently firm, mark off into small oblongs or squares, and when cold, divide the sections thus formed. Wrap each piece first in wax paper, then in tinfoil.
2289.—BUTTER SCOTCH. (Another Method.)
Ingredients.—1 lb. of moist sugar, ½ a lb. of butter, ½ a teacupful of cold water, essence of almonds.
Method.—Put the water and sugar into a stewpan, let the mixture stand by the side of the fire until dissolved, then add the butter and boil until the mixture becomes quite thick. Stir occasionally until it begins to thicken, and afterwards continuously, as this preparation is liable to stick to the bottom of the pan. Pour on to an oiled or buttered tin, and mark and divide as directed in the preceding recipe.
2290.—CANDY. (See American Candy, No. 2283, American Molasses Candy, No. 2291, Cocoanut Candy, No. 2312, Candy Twist, No. 2298, Pineapple Snow Candy, No. 2340, Treacle Candy, No. 2352, and Candy Kisses, White Almond, No. 2294.)
Ingredients.—3 cups of Demarara sugar, 1 cup of molasses, 1 cup of water, 1 oz. of butter, ½ a teaspoonful of cream of tartar.