Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1218

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becomes curdled, then strain through a hair seive. Remove the purée from the sieve, and use as required.

Yellow Colouring.—Simmer ¼ of a pint of water, 3 ozs. of loaf sugar, ¼ of an oz. of alum, and ¼ of an oz. of Turkish saffron for 15 minutes, then strain until clear. When cold, add rather more than ⅛ of a pint of spirits of wine, and bottle the mixture for use.


Ingredients.—1 lb. of Demarara sugar, 4 ozs. of butter, ¼ of a pint of water, a good pinch of cream of tartar.

Method.—Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the cream of tartar, and boil to the "hard ball" degree. Remove the stewpan from the fire, add the butter in small pieces, then boil to the "crack" degree. Pour on to buttered or oiled tins; when sufficiently set, mark into squares or oblongs, and when quite cold divide and wrap each piece first in wax paper and afterwards in tin foil.


Ingredients.—2 lbs. of loaf or granulated cane sugar, 1 dessertspoonful of glucose, 1½ gills of water, flavourings, colourings.

Method.—Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the glucose, bring to the boil quickly, and boil until the syrup registers 240° ("small ball"). Pour on to an oiled or wetted slab, let it cool slightly (for if worked at its greatest heat it will grain), and work it with a spatula, keeping the mass as much as possible together with a scraper held in the left hand. When the paste has become sufficiently cool, knead it well with the hands. When perfectly smooth, divide into 2 or 3 portions, colour, flavour, and knead again separately, and use as required.

2318.—FONDANT CREAM. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—3 lbs. of loaf sugar, 1 pint of cold water, ¼ of a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, colouring and flavouring ingredients.

Method.—Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the cream of tartar, and boil to the "small ball" degree. Pour the syrup into a basin, let it remain until lukewarm, then stir well with a spatula until white and slightly hardened. Now turn the paste on to a slab or large dish, and knead it with the hands until perfectly smooth. Flavour and colour to taste, and use as required.


Ingredients.—1 lb. of fondant cream, carmine, sap green colouring, essence of pineapple, raspberry and vanilla.

Method.—Make the fondant according to either of the preceding recipes, and divide it into 3 equal portions. Colour 1 portion green,