with 2 or 3 saladspoonfuls of dressing, and a seasoning of salt and pepper, garnish with rings of hard-boiled egg and slices of beetroot, sprinkle the parsley over, and serve.
2393.—HORSERADISH SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Raifort.)
Ingredients.—Finely scraped horseradish, mayonnaise sauce, cress.
Method.—Moisten the horseradish with mayonnaise, and garnish with cress.
2394.—ITALIAN SALAD. (Fr.—Salade à l'Italienne.)
Ingredients.—Equal parts of ½-inch slices of cooked carrots, turnips, potatoes and beetroot, and a corresponding quantity of Brussels sprouts, French beans, and sprigs of cauliflower, all cooked, Tartare sauce No. 213.
Method.—Mix all well together, moisten with the sauce, and serve.
Note.—This Salad is frequently prepared in an ordinary basin mould, which is masked with Aspic, and afterwards decorated with tomatoes and other vegetables, in the manner shown in the coloured illustrations.
2395.—JAPANESE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade à la Japonaise.)
Ingredients.—3 medium-sized truffles coarsely chopped, 3 medium-sized cold potatoes cut into dice, 18 cooked mussels, 1 teaspoonful of blanched onion finely chopped, 1 teaspoonlul of finely chopped parsley, 12 small fillets of anchovy, small lettuce leaves, ½ a wineglassful of champagne, nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Method.—Mix the truffles, potatoes, a pinch of nutmeg, and a seasoning of salt and pepper together, and add the champagne. Let it stand for 2 hours, then add the mussels, onion and parsley, and serve garnished with little loaves and fillets of anchovy.
2396.—LENTIL SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Lentilles.)
Ingredients.—1 pint of cooked lentils, ¼ of a pint of shredded celery, 1 tablespoonful of finely chopped cooked onion, salad dressing (see recipes for same).
Method.—Place a little salad dressing in a salad-bowl, put in the lentils, etc., mix well, and garnish with beetroot, cress or radishes.
2397.—LETTUCE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Laitue.)
Ingredients.—2 heads of cabbage lettuce, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 3 saladspoonfuls of salad-oil, 1 saladspoonful of tarragon vinegar, ½ a teapoonful of chopped-parsley, salt and pepper.