2407.—RED CABBAGE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade au Chou rouge.)
Ingredients.—A small red cabbage finely shredded, 1 pint of malt vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls of salad-oil, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 1 saltspoonful of cayenne pepper.
Method.—Mix the ingredients well together, let the salad stand for 2 days, then use.
2408.—ROMAN SALAD. (Fr.—Salade Romaine.)
Ingredients.—Coss lettuce, finely chopped onion, honey, vinegar.
Method.—Thoroughly wash, trim, and dry the lettuce, separate it into small pieces, season it with vinegar sweetened to taste with very little honey, and sprinkle over with onion.
2409.—RUSSIAN SALAD. (Fr.—Salade Russe, au Maigre.)
Ingredients.—1½ pints of mayonnaise sauce, 1 small cauliflower, 1 gill of cooked green peas, 1 gill of mixed vegetables (dice of carrot, turnip, and French beans), 3 new potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 2 gherkins, 1 truffle. For garnishing: shredded smoked salmon, ¼ inch dice of hard-boiled white of egg, shredded beetroot, stoned olives, fillets of anchovy, capers.
Method.—Divide the cauliflower into small sprays, boil them and the peas, carrot, turnip and beans separately, and drain well. Boil the potatoes, and when cold cut them into neat strips; cut the tomatoes into moderately thin slices, shred the gherkins and truffle finely. When all the cooked ingredients are cold and well drained, arrange them with the tomatoes, gherkins, and truffle in distinct layers in a salad bowl. Season each layer with a little salt and pepper, and cover lightly with mayonnaise sauce, pile the salad high in the centre, and cover the surface lightly with mayonnaise. Decorate with small groups of shredded salmon, shredded beetroot, dice of white of egg, olives, capers and fillets of anchovy. Serve the remainder of the mayonnaise sauce separately.
Note.—This Salad is frequently prepared in a cylindrical shaped mould with suitable border. First mask the mould with Aspic, and tastefully decorate with the available vegetables, as shown in the coloured illustration.
2410.—SALAD, BOILED. (Fr.—Salade de Légumes Bouillie.)
Ingredients.—French beans cooked and shredded, celery cooked and shredded, endive blanched, lettuce, salad dressing No. 2444, or 2445.
Method.—Mix the beans and celery together, add salad dressing to taste, and garnish with tufts of endive and lettuce.