2411.—SALAD CHIFFONADE. (Fr.—Salade à la Chiffonade.)
Ingredients.—Carrot, celery, beetroot, all cooked and cut into julienne strips, cucumber shredded, lettuce stamped into small rounds, salad dressing (see recipes for same).
Method.—Toss all lightly in a little salad dressing, and serve.
2412.—SALSIFY SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Salsifis.)
Ingredients.—Cooked salsify, mayonnaise sauce No. 201.
Method.—Cut the salsify into 2-inch lengths, pile them in a salad-bowl or dish, coat lightly with mayonnaise, and serve.
2413.—SARDINE MAYONNAISE. (Fr.—Mayonnaise de Sardines.) (See Spanish Sardine Salad, No. 2418.)
Substitute mayonnaise sauce for the vinegar.
2414.—SHAD'S ROE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade au Frai d'Elose.)
Ingredients.—3 cooked shad's roes, shredded lettuce, endive, beetroot, mayonnaise, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
Method.—Slice the roes thinly, season liberally with salt and pepper. sprinkle with vinegar, and moisten well with oil. Let them remain for 2 hours, then place them on a bed of lettuce, coat lightly with mayonnaise, decorate with tufts of endive and sliced beetroot, then serve.
2415.—SHRIMP SALAD. (Fr.—Salade d'Ecrevisses.)
Ingredients.—1 pint of picked shrimps, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise sauce No. 201, sliced cucumber, shredded lettuce.
Method.—Stir the sauce into the shrimps, pile the mixture in a salad-bowl or dish, garnish with cucumber and lettuce, then serve.
2416.—SORREL SALAD. (Fr.—Salade d'Oseille.)
Follow the same directions as given for preparing Spinach Salad, Recipe No. 2419.
Ingredients.—Sour thick cream, salt.
Method.—Stir the cream until smooth add salt to taste, and use as required.