2429.—TOMATO AND ONION SALAD. (Fr.—Salade au Tomates.)
Ingredients.—6 tomatoes sliced, 1 large onion, salad dressing (see Recipe No. 2445 for same).
Method.—Boil or bake the onion until three-parts cooked. When cold, chop it not too coarsely, sprinkle it over the sliced tomatoes, add a little salad dressing, then serve.
2430.—TOMATO AND ARTICHOKE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade d'Artichauts et Tomates.)
Ingredients.—Tomatoes, cooked artichoke bottoms (tinned ones will serve), mayonnaise sauce.
Method.—Split the artichoke bottoms in halves, and slice the tomatoes. Arrange neatly in a salad-bowl or dish, pour over a little sauce and serve.
2431.—TRUFFLE SALAD. (Fr.—Salade aux Truffes.)
Ingredients.—Equal parts of finely-shredded truffles and celery, cream mayonnaise No. 2440, hard-boiled eggs.
Method.—Mix the truffles and celery together, stir in the mayonnaise, and pile in a salad-bowl. Garnish with chopped whites and seived yolks of hard-boiled eggs, and serve.
2432.—TURNIP SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Navets.)
Ingredients.—Cold boiled turnips, sliced beetroot, salad dressing (see Recipe No. 2445 for same).
Method.—Slice the turnip thickly, cut the slices into strips, and pile them in a salad-bowl. Pour a little salad dressing over them, and garnish with beetroot.
2433.—VEAL SALAD. (Fr.—Salade de Veau.)
Ingredients.—½ a lb. of shredded cold veal, shredded lettuce, endive, 1 tablespoonful of capers or chopped gherkin, lemon-juice, salt and pepper, salad dressing (see Recipe No. 2445 for same).
Method.—Season the meat with salt and pepper, sprinkle liberally with lemon-juice, and put it aside for 1 hour. Add the capers and lettuce, moisten with salad dressing, and serve garnished with tufts of endive.
2434.—WALNUT AND CELERY SALAD. (See Walnut and Celery Mayonnaise, No. 2435.)