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2440.—MAYONNAISE COOKED. (Fr.Mayonnaise cuite.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of milk or single cream, ¼ of a pint of vinegar, 3 yolks of eggs, 1 tablespoonful of salad-oil, 1 tablespoonful of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 1 dessertspoonful of mustard.

Method.—Mix the oil, sugar, salt and mustard well together in a basin, add the well-beaten yolks of eggs, next the vinegar, and lastly the cream or milk. Stand the basin in a saucepan containing sufficient boiling water to surround it to half its depth, and stir the mixture over the fire until it acquires the consistency of custard. This dressing, if tightly bottled, will keep for several days.

Average Cost.—6d. when made with milk.

2441.—MAYONNAISE, RED. (Fr.Mayonnaise Rouge.)

Ingredients.—½ a pint of stiff mayonnaise sauce (see Sauces), ¼ of a pint of tomato purée, salt and pepper.

Method.—Mix the ingredients smoothly together, and season to taste.

The Olive and Olive-Oil (Fr. olive).—This tree assumes a high degree of interest from the historical circumstances with which it is connected. A leaf of it was brought into the ark by the dove when that vessel was still floating on the waters of the great deep, and gave the first token that the deluge was subsiding. Among the Greeks, the prize of the victor in the Olympic games was a wreath of wild olive; and the "Mount of Olives" is rendered familiar to our ears by its being mentioned in the Scriptures as near to Jerusalem. The tree is indigenous in the north of Africa, Syria and Greece, and the Romans introduced it into Italy. In Spain and in the south of France it is now cultivated; and although it grows in England, its fruit does not ripen in the open air. Both in Greece and Portugal the fruit is eaten in its ripe state, but its taste is not agreeable to many palates. To the Indian shepherd, bread and olives, with a little wine, form a nourishing diet; but in England olives are usually only introduced by way of dessert, to destroy the taste of the viands which have been previously eaten, that the flavour of the wine may be the better enjoyed.

There are three kinds of olives imported to London—the French, Spanish and Italian; the first are from Provence, and are generally accounted excellent; the second are larger, but more biter; and the last are from Lucca, and are esteemed the best. The oil extracted from olives, called olive-oil, or salad-oil, is, with the Continentals, in continual request, many dishes being prepared with it. With us it is principally used in mixing a salad.


Ingredients.—½ a pint of salad-oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of tarragon vinegar, 1 teaspoonful of made mustard, 1 raw yolk of egg, a few leaves each of tarragon, burnet, chives, and parsley, 1 saltspoonful of salt, ¼ of a saltspoonful of pepper, ½ a saltspoonful of castor sugar.

Method.—Blanch the herbs for 1 minute in boiling water, then dry them well and chop them finely. Put the yolk of egg into a small basin, add the salt and pepper, stir briskly with a wooden spoon until very thick, then work in the oil, drop by drop at first, and afterwards more quickly. A few drops of vinegar should be added at intervals during the mixing, and when the desired consistency is obtained, the mustard, herbs and sugar may be stirred in and the sauce used.

Average Cost.—1s.